
6 Platforms for creating a personal or friends newsletter

Hello everyone! Nothing says ‘staying connected’ like sending a personal newsletter to the people you love—be it your family, friends, or your favorite crowd from work. Baking the perfect friendship loaf, sharing personal stories, dishing out the latest gossip or if you’re just keen on broadcasting your thoughts and activities, newsletters are the modern-day version

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The Art of Reconnecting: Simple Steps to Reach Out to Long-Lost Friends

Hey there, friend! You know that old tune, “Make new friends, but keep the old?” There’s some serious truth to those simple words. Old friends carry with them shared experiences, familiar laughs, and a slice of your past that new friends might not fully understand. We all have that one long-lost friend that we wish

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How to Use Newsletters to Stay Connected with Old Friends

As time marches on, one of the most challenging tasks we face is maintaining the significant relationships we’ve built over the years. Old friends are like treasure chests filled with precious memories, but with our busy lives, staying connected with them can sometimes be a daunting task. Ever considered newsletters? Or creating a friends’ newsletter?

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The Importance of Regular Check-ins with Friends and How to Do Them

When was the last time you had a catch-up chat with a good friend? I mean, really set aside some time to talk about both the mundane and the meaningful in both of your lives? You know, those giggles over shared jokes, the empathetic sighs over mutual struggles, or the shared admiration for each other’s

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How to Plan a Retreat for Friends or Colleagues

Hey there, pals and fellow office warriors; you’ve found your way here because you want to plan an awesome retreat! Be it for your ride-or-die friends or your comradery-filled colleagues, throwing a retreat together is an exciting, albeit daunting, endeavor. But worry no more because I’m here to help you mastermind a retreat that will

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The Importance of Patience in Building New Relationships

Hello, dear readers! Today, we’re here to chat about a gem often overlooked: the power of patience, particularly in building new relationships. Often, when we meet someone new, there’s an unspoken rush to get past the awkward introductions and dive right into ‘being comfortable with each other’ phase. However, those preliminary stages of any relationship

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