Thinking about connections


How to Deal with Loneliness and Isolation

May 13, 2024

Hello Lovely Readers, First off, I want you to know something— you’re not alone in feeling alone. Now before that sounds like an ironic and […]

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How to Plan a Retreat for Friends or Colleagues

May 11, 2024

Hey there, pals and fellow office warriors; you’ve found your way here because you want to plan an awesome retreat! Be it for your ride-or-die […]

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Tips for Communicating with Teenagers

May 9, 2024

Hello amazing people! Greetings, as we navigate into the mysterious world of teenager-hood. It’s the time to swim in the edgy waters of adolescence – […]

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How to Disconnect to Reconnect: Balancing Digital and Real-Life Interaction

May 7, 2024

Hey there, folks! Today, we’re diving into something a little different but hugely important: How to Disconnect to Reconnect. Intriguing, right? It’s all about finding […]

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The Importance of Patience in Building New Relationships

May 4, 2024

Hello, dear readers! Today, we’re here to chat about a gem often overlooked: the power of patience, particularly in building new relationships. Often, when we […]

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Why Newsletters Are the New Social Media for Personal Updates

April 30, 2024

Hey there, friendly faces! Your favorite coffee companion connection (a.k.a. this blog) is here again, this time, to talk about why newsletters are quickly becoming […]

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