How to Maintain Professional Relationships Remotely

Hi lovely readers,

It’s becoming a familiar saying, “The world is getting smaller.” That’s definitely the case when you think about the seismic shift toward remote work in today’s business world. Whether your office is trading the brick-and-mortar space for a digital setup or if you’re collaborating with a colleague on another continent, building and maintaining professional relationships remotely is becoming increasingly important.

But here comes the tricky question … how do we effectively nurture those work relationships from the comfort of our home offices or from a thousand miles apart? Fear not, dear reader, we’ve got you covered!

1. Make Communication Crystal Clear

In a world where you can’t just pop into a colleague’s office to ask a question or explain a task, clear communication is king. Utilize email, chat apps, video calls and project management software to keep everyone updated. But remember, it’s not just about what you say, how you say it matters too! Be concise and friendly, avoid jargon and consider including emojis or GIFs as a way to express your tone.

2. Start with Small Talk

Remember the power of the good ol’ water cooler chat? Just because you are working remotely doesn’t mean you can’t have a non-work related conversation. Start your meetings with a little chit-chat. Ask about their weekend plans, compliment a new hairstyle, or share a funny anecdote from your day. It helps to humanize the digital environment and strengthens your work relationships.

3. Schedule Regular Check-Ins

Maintaining regular contact is essential for remote relationships. But be intentional – we don’t mean checking in just for the sake of it. Chit-chat is crucial, as we’ve said, but be sure you’re also productive. Arrange weekly (or daily, depending on your role and relationship) meetings to go over task status, solve any issues and plan for any upcoming challenges.

4. Empathetic Listening

Pick up on cues your colleagues may be giving off about their comfort level, feelings about their workload, or overall mood. We don’t have the luxury of body language cues in a remote setting, so “listening” (even in written communication) needs to be more about understanding and less about waiting your turn to speak.

5. Be Patient

Patience is not just a virtue; it’s a necessity in a remote working dynamic. Technology glitches, time zone confusions, or delayed responses are just part and parcel of the remote work experience. Patience also fosters an understanding environment where everyone feels respected and valued.

6. Show Appreciation

Don’t forget to say thank you. It’s amazing how these two simple words can significantly impact a professional relationship, making your team feel appreciated and valued.

Marrying these solid practices with a mindset of respect and understanding for your colleagues will go a long way in forging and maintaining strong remote professional relationships. Never forget, you don’t need to be in the same physical space to build superb relationships; you just need to be in the same emotional space.

That’s all for now, but stay tuned for more tips on mastering the art of remote work. We understand how imperative it is in today’s ever-evolving work environment. After all, we’re navigating this big, small world together!

Happy remote-working!